
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Wooden Disk

This project wasn't much of a project at all but something I had not been able to fer around to until now.

Katie is a Pre-k teacher and each year she has an outdoors lesson for about a week. For the past couple years she was been wanting to have a section of tree where she can show the kids what it looks like and let the  touch and feel. After years of Katie pointing out every pile of wood we see on the side of the road and saying " Oh, I would love to have one of those for my class " I finally got to do it. It's not that I was ignoring her or being lazy, i just don't have a chainsaw and most of these logs she would point out probably weighed more than our car. When we moved to our new house i found a saw mill that has a building where they sell some hobby wood to people like me, and they had one of these big wooden "disks" is what I call them. I asked about it and they said I could have it when I told them about why I wanted it. The wood was wet and had been sitting for a while so i wasn't able to work on it right away. I set it somewhere dry and out of the way and honestly forgot about it. In the process of moving my tools to the new shop I stumbled about it again, it had completely dried out and was ready to work on.  The easiest way I could think to clean it up was to throw it on my bench sander and just work it until you could see all the rings easily.  It didn't take long and when I was done you could see every ring perfectly. Katie will be able to show the kids and maybe they can count them and tell us how old the tree was.

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